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To open a chain store, Please use cloud database
Relying on Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud, share the chain feast
Cross-border and cross-regional | 24 hours online | easy maintenance | data security
Cloud database, multi-store networking, cross-regional networking, and multinational networking

Relying on Tencent Cloud and Alibaba Cloud, data security is guaranteed. The cloud database can be online 24 hours a day, maintenance-free, even if the computer system is reinstalled, there is no need to worry about data loss.

Multilingual boss assistant, view store business reports anytime, anywhere

Use WeChat to search the mini-program "多(duō)语言老板助手". After registration and activation, you can view store business reports anytime and anywhere. It supports multilingual sales management system S12 and multilingual restaurant management system S12.5.

Online ordering system, generate exclusive ordering QR codes for your customers

Using the cloud database, we have opened up an online ordering channel for the multilingual supermarket version. You can give your customers an exclusive ordering QR code, and customers can place orders with you online.

Scan code ordering system, give your restaurant an extra value-added service

Using the cloud database, we have opened up an online scanning code ordering channel for the multilingual catering version. Customers can order food by scanning the desktop QR code or store QR code, which will bring more customer traffic to your restaurant.